Friday, August 29, 2008

Impact Fees for Politicians

LuvEagle wrote," while we have an impact fee program to help build
parks, we have not adopted an impact fee yet for pathways. Maybe now
is the time."

Impact Fees are taxes. They are not adopted, they are imposed. There
is no vote of the citizens to approve of these new taxes. Parks
provide a general benefit, but we impose the burden on new residents.
We certainly don't need new taxes to fund pet-projects for the
politically-connected friends of the Mayor.

The Idaho legislature has wisely limited the taxing power of local
politicians who want to build parks with other people's money and
property and then name them after themselves.

Parks do add value to our community, but they should be funded with
general bonds after a vote of the citizens. It is not fair to extort
this money from a few individuals to create shush funds for
professional politicians.

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